An Online Optimal Explicit Guidance Scheme for Long Range Missiles with Solid Motors

Document Type : Original Article


School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering Beihang University Beijing, China.


Abstract—By combining nonlinear model predictive static
programming with dynamic inversion control, a hybrid robust
explicit guidance scheme is developed for long range missiles
with solid motors. The developed guidance technique can
produce two successful guidance command profiles: a positive
profile and a negative profile, where the negative profile
solution provides relatively less control command magnitude at
switch over time (i.e. time when the guidance is switched to
dynamic inversion control) than guidance with the positive
profile. However, the positive profile is more feasible for
ballistic missile capability. The choice between the two profiles
will depend on the constraints of the missile capability and
mission requirement. The advantages of the developed guidance
method are: 1) it is insensitive to energy uncertainties although
the motor total impulse (i.e. the area under the thrust ~ time
curve) is not constant, 2) it can be implemented online due to its
closed form nature, with less computational difficulties. The
numerical simulations demonstrate the advantages above.