New Encryption Method Based on Using The Kharaghani Array of Order 8

Document Type : Original Article


Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University- Egypt.


This paper suggests a new encryption method based on using the form and the properties of an orthogonal Hadamard array called the Kharaghani array of order 8. In this method; the used encryption key, the plaintext and the ciphertext values should be integers less than 256 to be presented in the form of the 8-bit binary representation. There are some constrains that restrict the chosen value for the encryption key, these constrains lead to have only 126 available values for the encryption key. The 126 encryption keys were checked on the available plaintext values and some concluded
notes and results were presented. The suggested encryption method has the advantage of being easy to implement because the construction of the Hadamard array is easy.
