Mind control weapons started in Japan during Second World War as antipersonnel weapons, the aim was programmed assassinations without any error or hesitation by persons who will never recognize what they done .The Japanese did experiments on homeless, homosexual and war prisoners. In these experiments they injected their "patients" by different kinds of narcotic drugs such as opium and berbotric acid. Due to these experiments three thousand persons were killed. In the same time similar experiments were done in NAZI concentration camps especially in oshvits concentration camp at Poland, they forced their war prisoners to get "sodium panthonat" which is known as "TRUTH DRUG" since anyone who takes that drug will tell the truth. As soon as the Second World War finished, USA got all that secret researches and starts to arrange it and to develop and update it. They started tens of secret projects in this field. Started by two letters namely MK which stands for mind control. These projects were "Mk-ultra" then "Mk-artichoke" then "Mk delta". One of these projects was to cancel the memory completely. After that a new step was done by prof "Alan Fray", he uses electromagnetic wave to remotely make his patients to sleep. Later prof "Josef sharp" was able to transfer spoken words through microwave pulses; this project was very useful to deaf persons to speak without using mouth or ears. In 1974 prof "G.F. Skapitz "starts new science called "Sociological electronics" by which you can see spoken words. Prof. "Delgado" declared in 1966 that "actions and all human sensations and emotions could be completely controlled through electromagnetic waves".
Waly, S. (2012). Mind Control Weapons. The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 8(8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 2012), 1-1. doi: 10.21608/iceeng.2012.32819
Samir M. Waly. "Mind Control Weapons", The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 8, 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 2012, 2012, 1-1. doi: 10.21608/iceeng.2012.32819
Waly, S. (2012). 'Mind Control Weapons', The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 8(8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 2012), pp. 1-1. doi: 10.21608/iceeng.2012.32819
Waly, S. Mind Control Weapons. The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2012; 8(8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 2012): 1-1. doi: 10.21608/iceeng.2012.32819