A Public Key Cipher Algorithm Based on Multivariate Cubic Quasigroups (MCQ)

Document Type : Original Article


1 M. Fawaz : Master Candidate at Informatics College- Aleppo University- Syria.

2 H. Zorkta: Asst. Prof. at Network Dept.- Informatics College- Aleppo Unv. Syria.

3 S. Alnazer: Head of research Dept. Informatics College- Aleppo Unv. Syria.


A new public key cipher algorithm is introduced in this article. This proposal is based
on a specific class of quasigroups string transformations called multivariate cubic
quasigroups (MCQ).
MCQ public key cipher algorithm is a public key block cipher algorithm, it is a
bijective mapping; it does not perform message expansions and can be used for both
encryption and signature. MCQ public key cipher algorithm consists of n
multivariate cubic polynomials with nd variables where n  d.k : k  40,d  3.
A particular characteristic of this proposal is that it is more secure and faster than
previous MQQ version in decryption, its encryption speed is comparable to the speed
of previous MQQ version, it is highly parallelizable, and it is well suited for short
