Preliminary study on the effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on the growth of adzuki bean plant

Document Type : Original Article


EMF Research Group, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia.


Plant growth is influenced by many factors, including environmental factors. However
there are still uncertainties as to whether plants that are exposed to magnetic field
experience biological effects and thus influenced plant growth. This paper describes the
effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on plant growth. Helmholtz coils were
used to generate the magnetic field and adzuki bean (Vigna Angularis) or also known as
red bean plants were chosen as subject. The power frequency magnetic field at 50 Hz
and magnetic flux density of 83 μT was used. Measured parameters were the height of
the stems and the number of leaves produced. The growing rates of adzuki bean plants
were observed every 2 days for 22 days. The experimental results indicated that
magnetic fields do influence plant growth. These findings could be useful in developing
ways to use magnetic field to enhance plant growth, which could help to increase
