3 Dimensional hysteresis PWM techniques for 3-Phase 4-Wire SAPFs under unbalanced conditions by using p-q-r theory

Document Type : Original Article


UER Electrotechnique, EMP, BP 17 Bordj-el-Bahri, Algiers, Alegria.


T h is paper presents a new control strategy to improve the performance of the
shunt active power filter (SAPF) in three-phase four-wire system when operating under
an unbalanced system .The compensation algorithm is based on pqr theory. This scheme
requires the service of a phased-locked loop (PLL) to make the system insensitive to the
distortions that are generally present in the utility voltages. A three dimensional
hysteresis current controller is used to track the compensated current references.
Computer simulation results are given to illustrate the system performances based on
the proposed control strategy.
