The effect of electromagnetic wave on photovoltaic array performance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Electronics Research Institute, National Research Center Building, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Electronics and Communications, Menofia University, Menouf, Egypt.


This paper studies the effect of electromagnetic waves (EMW) on PV system
performance. It discusses the effect of EMW radiated from radio repeater antenna on IV
characteristic curve of PV module. This paper represents the designing of radio
repeater station depending on the minimum value of EMW reached the PV module
surface. The parameters which are calculated are the antenna tower height (H), the
distance (D) between PV module and antenna tower, the operating frequency (f), and
finally the antenna length (L). The I-V characteristic curve of PV module is calculated
at the designed parameters. XFDTD Recomm® is used to calculate the specific
absorption rate (SAR) value at the PV module surface.
