Interference Suppression with Total Least Square (TLS) Algorithm and Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Egyptian Armed Forces.

2 Libyan Armed Forces.


This paper proposes a beamforming scheme for suppressing interferences with a linear
uniform antenna array interference cancellation is performed in two successive step
steps, first estimation Direction Of Arrival’s DOA of incident signals using high
resolution spatial spectral estimation techniques. In this paper we concerned with the
Multiple Signal Classification MUSIC techniques and it is modified version, Spatial
Smooth MUSIC for DOA estimation in both case of uncorrelated and correlated
incident signal to the array. The second step is to adjust the linear array weight vector to
insert nulls in the direction of interference signals. A proposal for adaptive algorithms to
adjust weight vector based on Least Square (LS) algorithm is presented, the LS
algorithm could reduces the array pattern in the direction of interference signals,
spatially when their Interference to Noise Ratio (INR) is high. However interference
source with low INR is difficult to be reduced using LS algorithm, therefore another
proposal for interference cancellation based on Total Least Square (TLS) algorithm is
proposed. Both the LS and TLS algorithms require reference signal which reduce
system throughput anther proposal for adaptive algorithms to adjust weight vector based
on Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) algorithm, the CMA algorithm could reduces
the array pattern in the direction of interference signals without using reference signal.
The behaviours of the proposed algorithms are presented in graphs along with
comments and discussions.